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Prolydian Adds Marketing to Its Certification Management Services

Leading Test Assessment Company Forges Strategic Alliance with Big Voice Communications

Tallahassee, FL -- Prolydian, a leading test assessment and certification management company, has added public relations and marketing agency, Big Voice Communications (BVC) to its roster of strategic consultants to enhance the full-service support offerings available to its clients.

Big Voice Communications, a dynamic marketing group with extensive experience in association and certification marketing, provides comprehensive counsel and execution across a wide variety of industries and channels. Under the new strategic alliance, BVC is a preferred provider for Prolydian clients seeking customized marketing and public relations support to create and launch strategic campaigns that fit their organization needs and address unique industry challenges.

“We’re constantly seeking ways to further enhance our offerings to ensure our certification clients succeed and grow. Today with marketing channels in a continual state of flux, nearly all of our clients have reported they are looking for smarter, more effective ways to expand their certification programs. Bringing BVC on board enables us to support our clients by providing access to a collaborative team with a deep understanding of certification and the changing marketing landscape.,” said Jay Foster, president, Prolydian.

Big Voice Communications is a market leader working with national associations, certification groups and major brands for more than 25 years. BVC has marketed many voluntary credentials across a spectrum of industries. Some of BVC’s certification experience includes American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals, Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, and Institute of Food Technologists among many others.

“We are proud to join Prolydian’s impressive roster of certification consultants. What impresses us about Prolydian is their big picture perspective and commitment to client success that allows them to offer a wide spectrum of services to their clients through strategic collaborations,” said Natalie Judd, president of BVC. “Our values align well with Prolydian’s, and we look forward to helping their clients quickly assess and adjust their marketing plans to more effectively and efficiently grow and expand their markets.”

For many years, BVC has collaborated on clients with fellow Prolydian consultant, Professional Testing, Inc. David Cox, president, and CEO for PTI remarked, “We have worked with Big Voice Communications in several successful client projects because they listen, they think strategically, and they get it done. There is probably no other strategic marketing and PR company with more experience in the certification and accreditation arena." 

Prolydian clients interested in learning more about Big Voice Communications services can visit to learn more and schedule a conversation.

About Prolydian: The Prolydian team has been supporting high-stakes assessment programs since 2002. With this extensive experience they have continuously improved the ability to offer easy-to-use and flexible software solutions, world class support, and top-notch consultants to aid with test development and measurement activities. Prolydian’s aim is to be the world-wide elite leader and “one-stop-shop” provider for programs offering high-stakes exams.

Prolydian Features Update: 7.8.2021

As you know, Prolydian is constantly updating the system and its offerings to better support your organization's processes. Whether we're adding new features to our newest recertification component or improving our staple item banking, exam design, or application processing features, we're adding new code to the site once or twice per month. Sometimes these updates are "structural" and intended to simply improve performance or upgrade existing infrastructure - boring, but important nonetheless!

To better provide you with a high level overview of new and upcoming features, we'll be sending quarterly updates by email instead of sending updates ahead of each release. Supplemental to these emails, we're working on implementing a publicly accessible development roadmap and release schedule on a site that will also give you the opportunity to "vote" on new features. We hope this new approach will give you even more visibility (and input!) into new features. Expect an email from me in the coming weeks with information on how to access this new site.

One of the newest features that we implemented last quarter will change the way our users view data about their users. Before providing a summary, some context: Prolydian started as an item banking, exam design, and delivery platform. Over the years, we added new components (application processing, certification tracking, for example) to provide a more comprehensive solution for all credentialing programs. In building these features out, we added separate listings for each component - the applicant listing for viewing applicant information, examinee listing for viewing candidate information, and the certificant listing for viewing certification information about a person. This "segmented" approach, while effective, resulted in mini "data silos" where information about a person's activity in a specific context was only visible within that context.

So now, the solution. In June, we slowly rolled out (and began training users on) our new "User dashboard." This new way of viewing a person's data let's you view all data for any user who has created an account from your landing page, has completed an application for your program, has taken one of your exams, or has been granted one of your certifications. When accessing a user's record from the People > Users listing, you'll now be presented with multiple tabs (depending on the services you use and your access level) to view that user's contact/account information, applications, registrations, certifications, and transactions. This new view contains all features of the current listings for those components, but shows the data in a "person-centered" way. Now, when you receive an inquiry from a member of your organization, you can simply search for them from the Users listing and view everything about them without having to figure out whether they're an applicant, candidate, or certificant first. We're confident that this new feature will give you better visibility and the information necessary to better support your users.

Take a look below at all the features we've added over the last quarter. We also have a sneak peak look at what's to come this quarter and beyond.

New features

  • Fonteva Integtation
  • Thinkific Integration
  • Kryterion Integration
  • User Dashboard
  • Bibliography component for managing references
  • Custom item types and scoring
  • Refreshed "My exams" dashboard
  • Configurable Webhooks
  • Improved "Apply now" available applications display
  • Improved listing refresh and search performance
  • Improved user timezone detection and storage

What’s next

  • Quick navigation between CE requests/Applications
  • White labeling
  • Automated, configurable email reminders
  • Bulk voucher purchasing for partner organizations
  • Your Membership integration
  • Angoff ratings for multiple choice items
  • Custom certification component labels
  • ...and so much more!!!

Our team is committed to providing our users with an unmatched combination of functionality and user experience. Feedback from our users is the best way for us to achieve that goal, so if you experience any issues after our site update, or if you just want to give us some input, please feel free to contact me directly or reach out to our support team at

Unofficial ATP Conference Kickoff: Virtual Happy Hour

Join the Prolydian Team at our Virtual Happy Hour this month for their discussion "Off the Cuff", a riveting interactive roundtable with various activities that will challenge, inspire, and tickle your funny bone. Everyone is encouraged to take part...the more the merrier!  There's still time to reserve your spot now:

Here's an icebreaker bingo card for you to complete for fun at your own convenience. Cheers!


Prolydian Feature Update - 3.12.2021

New features

  • In-exam security features:
    • Disabled copy/paste
    • Display warning if copy/paste is attempted
    • Hide exam content when screen shots are attempted
    • Hide exam content if unauthorized program is access
  • In-exam break functionality, including configurable:
    • Number of allowed breaks
    • Break duration
    • In-break behavior
      • Continue exam timer
      • Pause exam timer
    • Post-break navigation behavior
    • Prevent navigation to pre-break items,
    • Disable all navigation, or
    • No change
  • Automatic user-time zone detection
  • User language preference detection
  • Add horizontal scroll to bottom of page listings
  • User profile picture

What’s next

  • Fonteva integration
  • Thinkific integration
  • Kryterion integration
  • White labeling
  • Automated, configurable email reminders
  • ...and so much more!!!

Our team is committed to providing our users with an unmatched combination of functionality and user experience. Feedback from our users is the best way for us to achieve that goal, so if you experience any issues after our site update, or if you just want to give us some input, please feel free to contact me directly or reach out to our support team at

Have a colleague or friend who should be "in the know" about upcoming features? Feel free to send them this email or have them subscribe here.

Kind regards,
Michael Mayer
Chief Product Officer

Prolydian Feature Update - 1.26.2021

Take a look below at everything you’ll see after our minor system update on 2/28/2021. We also have a sneak-peak list of some features and improvements expected in our next March system update and beyond.

New features

  • Direct creation of exam forms from an item bank
  • Re-send reference email action for applicants
  • Exam designer item repositioning improvements

What’s next

  • Fonteva integration
  • Thinkific integration
  • Kryterion integration
  • White labeling
  • Automated, configurable email reminders
  • Configurable in-exam break procedures
  • ...and so much more!!!

Our team is committed to providing our users with an unmatched combination of functionality and user experience. Feedback from our users is the best way for us to achieve that goal, so if you experience any issues after our site update, or if you just want to give us some input, please feel free to contact me directly or reach out to our support team at

Kind regards,
Michael Mayer
Chief Product Officer

Prolydian and BadgeCert Announce Integration Agreement

Tallahassee, FL – January 27, 2021. Prolydian, a cloud-based test assessment provider offering an all-in-one collaboration platform for integrated candidate management, item banking, live remote proctoring and now offers digital badging. This month Prolydian fully integrated with BadgeCert, a leader in digital badging/credentialing to offer digital credentialing services to its clients, customers, and their certificants. 

Digital Badges have become increasingly important to credentialing organizations as a verifiable way to acknowledge a test candidates’ achievement and competency. 

"We are thrilled to partner with Prolydian as they are a leader and pioneer in the credentialing industry. Moreover, they are consistently exceeding their clients’ expectations with respect to technology innovation and customer service,” said Ginger Malin, Ph.D., Founder and CEO at BadgeCert. “This partnership will provide badge earners with significant value as they can now seamlessly earn badges through Prolydian and immediately share their verified credentials across the web."

“The world is getting more specialized as employers are searching for job candidates with proven knowledge in specific areas. Likewise, certification sponsors seek to strengthen their brand. BadgeCert provides a valuable service on both these fronts,” commented Jay Foster, President at Prolydian. “Digital badging is a natural extension to the Prolydian suite of services. We're thrilled to be working with the BadgeCert team to bring the highest quality services and a premium user experience to customers.”

With this integration, digital badges can be automatically awarded to candidates upon their successful completion of the exam, for the length of the certification cycle, organizations in turn provide benefit to their recipients with verifiable credentials, seamless assignment for an overall positive experience.

It is Prolydian’s ongoing mission to team up with the most esteemed consultants in the industry to support and advance professional high-stakes certification programs. 

About Prolydian
The Prolydian team has been supporting high-stakes assessment programs since 2002. With this extensive experience they have continuously improved the ability to offer easy-to-use and flexible software solutions, world class support, and top-notch consultants to aid with test development and measurement activities. Prolydian’s aim is to be the world-wide elite leader and “one-stop-shop” provider for programs offering high-stakes exams.

About BadgeCert
BadgeCert enables your organization to recognize stakeholders’ accomplishments with 100% verifiable digital badges. The company was founded by expert educators, technologists and entrepreneurs on the premise that recognizing effort, participation, contributions, and accomplishments is important to motivate people to develop, progress and achieve. To learn more visit

Press Contact
Alina Cooper, CAE
Prolydian, LLC

Prolydian Feature Update 12.31.2020

Happy New Year!

I truly hope that you and your family have enjoyed this unique holiday season. At Prolydian, we've been reflecting on this whirlwind of a year and how we, and our customers, have adapted and bettered ourselves despite the adversity we have faced. The changes we've all had to make have been incredibly challenging, and I'm so proud of the way all of us have gracefully handled this situation. As we close out 2020, I'd like to wish you a happy, safe, and prosperous new year.

The final quarter of 2020 has brought about some incredible UI/UX changes to Prolydian. We've incorporated a brighter color scheme, refreshed the way we show you data with our updated listing design, given you more options for how to view your information, enabled custom paging sizes and mass actions, and enhanced pretty much every component of the system in at least some minor way. We expect the first quarter of 2021 to bring about a flurry of new features, including some exciting integration opportunities with some of our partners.

Take a look below at everything you’ll see after our update on 1/3/2021. We also have a sneak-peak list of some features and improvements expected in our next January system update and beyond.

New features

  • Improvements to our certification tracking component
  • Enhanced certificant filter options
  • Issuance of digital badges for passed exams or certifications via our BadgeCert integration
  • Custom listing page sizes
  • Minor UI tweaks and improvements

What’s next

  • Certification tracking component UI enhancements
  • Application submission and processing UI enhancements
  • Listing performance improvements
  • White labeling
  • Additional item types
  • ...and so much more!!!

Our team is committed to providing our users with an unmatched combination of functionality and user experience. Feedback from our users is the best way for us to achieve that goal, so if you experience any issues after our site update, or if you just want to give us some input, please feel free to contact me directly or reach out to our support team at

Have a colleague or friend who should be "in the know" about upcoming features? Feel free to send them this email or have them subscribe here.

Kind regards,
Michael Mayer
Chief Product Officer

Prolydian Feature Update 11.13.2020

Over the past month our development team has been primarily focused on incorporating a new layout into the system and expanding our CEU submission and review capability to support complex recertification processes. The upcoming layout changes give you the ability to define how you see your data (as a table or a grid layout), change the position of "available actions" in the system, and incorporate a redesigned pager that allows for a more flexible review of large sets of data.

While the changes to the "look and feel" are significant, we believe the intuitive design should make for an easy transition. These layout modifications also lay the groundwork for us to incorporate even more custom, user-defined display options moving forward. As always, the changes we make to Prolydian are centered on making things easier for you, with a focus on the "how" and "why" you interact with the system.

Take a look below at everything you’ll see after our update on 11/15, and don't forget to take a look at the attached screenshots of the new interface. We also have a sneak-peak list of some features and improvements expected in our next November system update and beyond.

New features

  • Enhanced CEU submission options
  • Expanded user management to all user-related listings (applicants, certificants, examinees)
  • Comprehensive layout overhaul with table and grid display options
  • Improved listing pager

What’s next

  • BadgeCert integration
  • Enhanced user management
  • Listing performance improvements
  • White labeling
  • Additional item types
  • ...and so much more!!!

Our team is committed to providing our users with an unmatched combination of functionality and user experience. Feedback from our users is the best way for us to achieve that goal, so if you experience any issues after our site update, or if you just want to give us some input, please feel free to contact me directly or reach out to our support team at

Have a colleague or friend who should be "in the know" about upcoming features? Feel free to send them this email or have them subscribe here.

Kind regards,
Michael Mayer
Chief Product Officer

Lineup and Prolydian Announce Integration Agreement

WASHINGTON, DC – September 14, 2020 –  Lineup® announces an integration agreement with Prolydian, a Virtual Testing Company.

Lineup®, the only cloud-based platform for seamless SME management in the testing industry reached an agreement to integrate its platform with Prolydian. The integration will enable Prolydian to provide a holistic solution for its test publishing clients, combining their native features that support Candidate Management, Item Banking, Test Development, Test Delivery, Remote Proctoring, and Digital Badging, with Lineup®’s state-of-the-art SME management platform.

“Lineup is the perfect complement to Prolydian, making us truly the 'one-stop-shop' for certification programs”, said Jay Foster, President for Prolydian. "Integrating the Prolydian platform with Lineup makes SME management super simple; clients couldn't be happier."  

“One very important part of the product life cycle of an exam is finding, recruiting, and retaining a healthy talent pool of subject-matter experts in the domain of the exam. This piece of the puzzle does not have to be an afterthought anymore and can now be an integral part of the process”, added Guillermo Ortiz de Zarate, President for Lineup. “Our integration with Prolydian will enable insights and data flows not possible before that will allow test developers to maximize their ROI when making the most accurate assessment exam possible”,

About Prolydian
With extensive experience, Prolydian is pleased to offer a comprehensive and easy-to-use software platform to support certification and certificate programs. Our aim is to be the world-wide elite leader and “one-stop-shop” provider for programs offering high-stakes exams. For additional information visit:

About Lineup®
Lineup is a cloud-based solution designed to automate team management, communication & data collection for your staff, volunteers, or Subject Matter Experts. Lineup simplifies your team management processes by making your people-data filterable and actionable. Automate data collection, recruiting, email communications, and document tracking. No more messy spreadsheets! For additional information please visit:

Press Release