PearsonVUE Integration


PearsonVUE Integration

Simple, Reliable, Streamlined

Clients of PearsonVUE who utilize the Secure FTP data interchange service, RealTime Import (RTI) service, or RealTime Event Notification (RTEN) service often have difficulty with maintaining the data connections and ensuring reliability of the communications. Clients without dedicated Information Technology resources are especially vulnerable to ongoing coordination problems that drain staff productivity and create candidate/examinee frustration.

No more CSV files

Prolydian Achieve provides a quick and easy way to create a robust, reliable link between your existing PearsonVUE account and your candidates/examinees, your operational staff, and your executive decision makers.

Prolydian Achieve’s simple web portal allows staff (or even candidates themselves) to submit new candidate and authorization information.  These records are automatically uploaded to your existing Secure FTP site for PearsonVUE processing. The response records and result data are retrieved on your existing schedule and imported into the Achieve system for reporting and analysis.  We can even automate your candidate notifications based on successful authorization and/or scheduling responses from PearsonVUE.

Benefits & Features

  • Improves data visibility and searching
  • Enables quick and easy changes to candidate data
  • Allows custom formats and rules for IDs and date ranges
  • Reduces human error
  • Automates candidate notifications
  • Offers improved reporting
  • Provides easy access to psychometric analysis data